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학과 공지사항

공지사항 :

2014년 봄학기 수정 강의계획표

조회 수 47641 추천 수 0 2014.02.06 05:27:45

1학년: Expository English Composition

            English Writing and Listeneig I

            Introductuctory Chemistry Lab and Intro Met Mater Engr. Design Lab

           상기 모든 과목에 대해 홀수학번 section 1, 짝수학번 section 2

2학년: 분반없음

3학년: Materials Synthesis & Manufacturing Lab 홀수학번 section 1, 짝수학번 section 2

Spring Semester, 2014 - version 2.xlsx

Department of Nano Convergence Engineering
Spring Semester, 2014
9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 1:00 2:00 3:00 4:00 5:00
  year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
21 22 23 24 25 26
Mon 1 Introductory Chemistry Calculus I     History of the U.S. to 1865 Intensive English I
2       Public Speaking     Graphics in Engineering Design Intensive English III
3 Interdisciplinary Tech & Society             Economics for Engineers & Scientists            
Tue 1       Intro MME Design       Expo Eng Composition 1 Expo Eng Composition 2 English Writing and Listening I
2 Applied Themodynamics Intro materials Sci. & Engr.       Calculus III English Writing and Listening III Introduction to Politics
3 Nanomaterials & Nanostructures Materials Synthesis & Manufacturing       Materials Synthesis & Manufacturing Lab I      
Wen 1 Introductory Chemistry Calculus I     History of the U.S. to 1865 Integrated Skills II
2       Public Speaking     Graphics in Engineering Design Integrated Skills III
3 Interdisciplinary Tech & Society             Economics for Engineers & Scientists            
Thu 1       Intro MME Design       Expo Eng Composition 1 Expo Eng Composition 2 English Writing and Listening I
2 Applied Themodynamics Intro materials Sci. & Engr.       Calculus III English Writing and Listening III Introduction to Politics
3 Nanomaterials & Nanostructures Materials Synthesis & Manufacturing       Materials Synthesis & Manufacturing Lab II      
Fri 1 Introductory Chemistry Lab-sec2         Introductory Chemistry Lab-sec1    
Intro MME Design Lab sec1         Intro MME Design Lab sec2    
3 Intensive English V Integrated Skills V English Writing and Listening V
9:00 10:30 12:00 1:30 3:00 4:30

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2014학년도 2학기 강의 시간표 file

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2014년 봄학기 수정 강의계획표 file

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Introduction of PNE Degree on UTEP Magazine file

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2014학년도 1학기 학부 등록금 납부안내

* 등록금 납부안내 1. 납부기간 2014. 2. 20(목) ∼ 2014. 2. 28(금) 2. 납부방법 ◎ 은행 납부(은행창구, 인터넷뱅킹, 무통장입금 가능) - 신한은행(개인별 가상계좌 납부) - 국민, 우체국 전국 본·지점 ◎ 9학기 이상...

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나노융합공학과(UTEP복수학위 포기자) 대체재수강 교과목 대응표

* 본 대체재수강은 나노융합공학과 외국대학과의 교육과정 공동운영(UTEP프로그램) 포기자를 위한 대체재수강 교과목임. * 현재 나노융합공학과 UTEP전공(UTEP프로그램) 재학생은 대체재수강 할 수 없음. * 대체재수강은 수강신청기간...

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